T'ung Shan She (同善社, Kindness Society, Sociedad de la Bondad)

The Way of Heaven are spiritual syncretic philosophical groups aspire to unify Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Christianity and other religions.

Originally known as "The five branches of Tao", these are:

(1) T'ung Shan She (2) I Kuan Tao (3) The Tien-te Sheng-chiao (4) The Tao-yuan (5) The Tz'u-hui Tang.

T'ung Shan She: We currently have offices in Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, Mexico, Argentina and Uruguay





Somos un grupo religioso que es uno de las cinco ramas de Tao o Antiguo Camino del Cielo ("Hsien-t'ien Tao"), grupos.

El Camino del Cielo son grupos filosóficos espirituales sincréticos que aspiran a unificar Taoísmo , Confucionismo , El Budismo, Cristianismo y otras religiones.

Originalmente conocidos como "Las cinco ramas de Tao", estas son:

(1) T'ung Shan She (2) I Kuan Tao (3) The Tien-te Sheng-chiao (4) The Tao-yuan (5) The Tz'u-hui Tang.

T'ung Shan She: Actualmente tenemos sedes en Taiwán, Japón Tailandia, Indonesia, México, Argentina y Uruguay

This blog has articles on these languages: Spanish, English and Chinese

Este blog tiene articulos en idiomas: español, inglés y chino

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

We are IT - 我们是 资讯

We are IT - 我们是 资讯

In a speech in California, Swami Vivekananda, described his experience of the wandering life as follows:

    "Many times I have been ready to starve with sore and tired feet; for days he did not eat, and often could not walk; I sank under a tree, and life seems to go slowly. He could not speak, could barely think, but at last the mind back to the idea:

                                      "I do not fear death; never born, never die; I have never hunger or thirst
                                       'm IT!, 'm IT!
                                       The whole nature can not crush me; He is my servant. Affirms my strength,
                                       Lord of lords, GOD of gods!
                                       Recover Lost Empire! Get up and do not stop! ».

     And I woke up with new strength; and here I am now, live! Thus, whenever darkness comes, says the reality disappears and all adversity. Because at the end of the day it's just a dream. While the challenges seem as big as mountains, and even when things look terrible and dark are only maia [illusion].
      Do not be afraid and go away. Flatten and evaporate. Trampling and die.

Our true nature is eternal. It established in this Supreme Truth, generate substantial changes in our conscience, transforming ordinary human being; freeing them from the chains of egotism and winds of sensuality and desires that cause suffering without end.

NO's me, but rather are IT, not IT is, this is like saying that a wave is it ocean, but the ocean is the wave (and much more), so nosoytros each of us are IT, we are waves ocean called GOD, HE made ​​equal to Essence.

are all part of the TAO, TAO this silent, disembodied, it just is.

Exodus 13:
                 "And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, The God of your fathers has sent me to you, if they ask me: What is your name what answer youY?
                    God said to Moses: I AM WHO I AM. "

This Divine Consciousness who dwells in us and that is nuesro sacred destiny awaken and establish it so that our passions, corporeal pain, anguish, they are submitted by our Consciousness Supra Spiritual which is the generator of all Dharmas (Blessings) in our eternal life.

Huei Neng Buddha taught:

                                       "Who would have predicted that the inherent nature can produce myriad dharmas?                                          Knowing that did the original nature, Grand Master said:
                                                                                                                               "If one does not discern                                          the original mind, there is no benefit in studying the teachings.
                                                                                                                                If you discern your                                                own mind and see your own essential nature, you are what they call a great man,                                          a master of angels and humans, a Buddha."



                                       “我他, 我他"
                                       恢复失落的帝国!爬起来,不要停! »。





                    神对摩西说:我是谁我是。 “
惠能佛陀教导: ? “谁能预测的固有性质可产生无数诸法知道做了原有的性质,大法师说:“
如果一个人无法辨别的本心,有学习的教导毫无益处。 如果你辨别自己的心态,看你自己的本质,你是他们所谓的伟大的人物,天使和人类,佛大师“。

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